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Tree Rescue Manual

A manual of tree rescue techniques for emergency responders and rescue professionals. 

Developed by vertical rescue professionals and climbing arborists, the Tree Rescue Manual is a massive book designed to assist professional rescue teams with responding to tree work accidents. 

Whilst it is a requirement in Australia for tree climbing teams to include a rescue climber, the capacity of the tree industry to respond to complex incidents or severe injuries is limited, and an injured tree climber may rely on the ability of professional rescue teams to successfully perform an aerial rescue. 

Free copies of this manual will be sent to every professional rescue organisation in Australia. 

To fund this initiative, Arb Aus is offering the manual for purchase. All profits from the sale of the manual will support this project, and similar initiatives to benefit the industry. 

The manual will be of interest to top-level climbing arborists, technical rescue specialists, rescue trainers, safety officers, or anyone interested in gaining a high level of understanding of the following topics:

Rescue techniques

The book is jam-packed with both basic and complex rescue techniques, each illustrated in careful detail.

A vast range of rescue techniques are covered, including all kinds of climber rescues, tree crush entrapment rescue, pole-top rescue, climber crush injuries, electrical hazards and dealing with suspended loads.


Tree structural integrity

Professional rescue teams may not be familiar with the strength of different parts of a tree's structure, so the manual provides both formulae and 'rules of thumb' for estimating tree integrity, particularly when using advanced rescue techniques such as floating or running anchors or highlines.

The book provides a brief overview of how trees function as biomechanical structures, as well as several pages of common tree defects and the likely impact on structural integrity.


Common arborist injuries and response priorities

Co-authored by Adam Marmion, Intensive Care Flight Paramedic with Ambulance Tasmania, the book contains a current record of medical ‘best practice’ for a range of common tree work injuries. This will be of enormous benefit for both vertical rescue professionals and the arboricultural industry.


Tree Rescue Manual


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